Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 92 Alas we meet

( Aeons ago , Everlon continent )

After Hitler’s death , humans became the most notorious of all races and the ‘ Villains’ in Everlon continent.

They were the upstart race who had just discovered mana , but using trickery they removed the ability to wield mana from their opponents and won their fights in a dirty way.

However the humans crossed the line where they took in the women of the conquered races and turned them into breeding cauldrons , as soon the women of other races started to commit suicide should their town fall to humans , rather than live as a cauldron for the rest of their lives.

When things came to such a drastic point , the other species started to band together as their shared hatred for the human race made them put away their past differences in order to quell the common enemy.

Angels worked with demons and Elves worked with beastmen while even the usually aloof dragons lent a hand to exterminate humankind.

What followed was a century of human-hunt as slowly but steadily , humans lost one territory after another while facing widespread slaughter and massacre.

Unlike the despicable humans who used other races to further mix their bloodlines , the ancient races found cross-breeding a taboo , hence most races had a more common pool of elemental users as compared to humankind.

The demons used darkness manipulation while the angels used light manipulation , the elves used nature manipulation and earth manipulation while the Beastmen were usually the variants.

Combined they managed to quickly topple many human cities , and no humans – men , women or child were spared once the town had fallen.

The goal was utter and complete annihilation of human race , and every single human paid the price for the greed of hitler..

Human’s were outnumbered and the alliance army had a lot of ingenious methods to maximise their attack potential , as the combined strength of many races was extremely formidable.

However everything changed , when the first half-breed Aesir child was born.

An Aesir tribesman wanted for murder had fled the floating island and took shelter within human ranks where he married and had a wife and son before he was forced into compulsary military service by the humans.

Born superior to all the other races , the Aesir man was unstoppable on the battlefield as his golden thunder reduced all his opponents to dust regardless of whoever it was.

Leading the humans to various victories , the criminal Aesir became a legend amongst the human race. However it wasn’t until his son turned out to become an even more formidable warrior than himself that the Aesir race became doomed.

His name was ‘ Ravan ‘ and he was the most notorious villain in the entire history of Everlon.

History had many names for him , but most called him ‘ The cursed existance ‘ , as his existance itself was a curse to all of Everlon.

Human , non- human alike , as his blood-lust and his powers were boundless.

At first his tales of valor made him a human hero , as he was the first to take back an previously human owned province that had fallen to the alliance , bringing the human camp the first ever major victory in over 50 years.

However with every man he killed , his powers grew and so did his blood-lust .

Snapping one day , he murdered his own legion for being too weak and became a criminal within the human ranks as well as he became a lone criminal in the new world.

Slaughtering netizens as he pleased , he strolled into any city he liked and killed hundereds of thousands as he pleased as he walked the lands of Everlon as if he was the god who created it .

Becoming the first human to ever break through the level 200 barrier he became a sage and along with his Ascension , increased his insanity as millions fell to his whims as his legend of Slaughter only increased by the day.

Worried , all the races United against the biggest enemy and even the humans were pardoned of their past crimes as the two orders called the ‘ World order’ and ‘ The alliance order ‘ were established and a treaty was signed between the two groups.

Consisting of the strongest warriors from both camps , a legendary battle between Ravan and the rest of the world occured at the valley of death. But shockingly , ravan alone killed 20,000 of Everlon’s finest , winning the fight at the cost of losing his arm.

The world was thrown into chaos after that as ravan reigned as the first and only supreme ruler of Everlon , ruling the entire continent as the king with only the floating island of Aesir being the land that he did not control.

More and more humans that tried to flee his tyranny looked for the legendary island of the Aesir , as it was the last shelter against the mad King , however everyone was turned down by the Aesir who refused to shelter any humans.

However that changed when a pregnant mythical phoenix arrived at the floating Islands doorstep.


( Meanwhile Ronan , modern day )

The shadow demon popped out of it’s hideout inside the ground , as it pounced on towards Percy’s back aiming at the spot that was exactly opposite his heart.

The demon had successfully sneaked in close enough that even though Alexander saw him , it was too late for him to react in time to save Percy , while Percy himself was none the wiser as he reflexively felt a sense of danger.


At this exact moment , Ronan rushed to save Percy as before the demon could Stan percy in the back , Ronan grabbed the dagger by his hand , as the pointed edge of the dagger tore through his flesh untill Ronan grabbed the assassin demons wrist by his pierced arm.

His eyes stone cold , Ronan did not even wince in pain as he used his other fist to pummel down the face of the demon , as his Raw power exploded caving the demons face right into the ground.

Screams could be heard across the banquet hall , as the women panicked seeing the hideous demon assassin while the men instinctively reached for their weapons only to realise that they had been confiscated at entry.

The Draco family however seemed to be in a stupor , as the demon aside everyone’s focus was on the boy who saved Percy’s life , as even Percy himself could momentarily not form words as he stared at his brother blank faced.

” RONAN! “.


” MY BOY “.

The family broke out of their stupor together , as everyone became overwhelmed with emotions at that moment.

Alexander was the first to move as he snapped his finger and burnt the demon that Ronan was fighting to a crisp , as Sierra threw her weeping self on his child , as she wrapped him in a bear-hug.

The entire banquet was stunned silent as the mysterious savior was revealed to be Ronan Draco , as chaos ensued following this reveal.

It was public knowledge that the second prince of Avalon had been kidnapped after an assassination attempt 5 years ago and his wherebouts were unknown since then.

However nobody expected the boy to suddenly show up out of nowhere in such a banquet , without any prior news about his return or his successful escape from his captors.

A wave of senses washed over Ronan as people tried to probe into his level and ability , however nobody was able to discern Ronan’s true power as Ronan had truly hidden his ability deeply.

However with one glance at his well toned muscular body , his sharp reflexes and inhuman speed anyone could discern that the boy was most likely extremely high levelled . However what did his return mean for the Draco family?

Was Percy still going to be named the crown prince?

where had Ronan been for the past 5 years and how had he suddenly arrived?

Who was that assassin demon and where did he come from? Slipping through the guards unseen?

Who was the mastermind behind the assassination attempt and why did they target Percy Draco?

A plethora of questions circled the minds of the attendees as a lot had happened in a very short period of time fusing their brains .

but the headline of the event was undoubtedly the fact that ‘ Ronan Draco was back! ‘.


/// Dear readers , apologies in advance about the long message i am about to write ahead , but it is an issue that needs to be addressed .

The book will not be having an editor for the time being as the book is not performing ecomically well at all and i am paying more to my editor than I’m making from this book in an entire month.

I have been losing money in this book for 3 months straight now and now it’s the most crutial phase for this story.

It either turns a profit by the end of this month or i will be forced to re-evaluate the time and effort i put into this work.

The book needs every bit of support that you can give it , wether it be comments , gifts or powerstones.

So please help me write this amazing story going forward ///

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